On 5 December 2017, representatives of ACTION SEE grantees took part in a meeting on the implementation of their grants as well as determining the needs for training and capacity building, which is one of ACTION SEE’s key activities. During the meeting, the participants were introduced with and exchanged best practices and experiences regarding grant implementation. By doing so, the project aims at building joint platform of grant-using CSOs and fostering networking between them.
Furthermore, a training on building their capacities for preparing reports took place on 15 December 2017.
Multiple grants for implementing six-month projects were awarded within the ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in SEE project. Sixteen organizations from six countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina address issues of local and national importance in order to advance the good governance and the rule of law.
Grant awardees from Macedonia:
- Association for Promotion and Development of Inclusive Society “Inkluziva” – The “Public Information Accessible to Persons with Disabilities” project aims to assess, evaluate and improve the current level of access the persons with disabilities have to municipal website in north-eastern Macedonia.
- Institute for Strategic Research and Education (ISIE) – “Budno Oko – Platform for Monitoring of the Use of Public Funds in Secondary Education” project is aimed to improve the monitoring and access to information regarding the use of public funds in the financing of secondary education in Macedonia.
- “Proficio” – “In the Spotlight: Overcoming the Abuse of Office in Macedonia” project aims to contribute toward establishing practical mechanisms for introducing and institutionalizing high standards of ethical conduct, good governance for the elected officials and civil servants as well as the general public via lobbying and advocacy in Macedonia.
- “Common Values” – The overall goal of the “Commissions for Interethnic Relations and Ethnic Communities” project is to strengthen the interethnic relations as well as the institutions in the country, in order to enhance democracy in Macedonia and speed up the EU accession process.