Training sessions for ACTION SEE grantees took place on 8 and 9 February 2018 in Skopje.
The first day, 8 February, the participants exchanged experiences and practices on: What’s open data, best practices for using open data, gathering, filtering and visualizing open data, metadata, structure of data sets and other.
During the second day, 9 February, the following topics were covered: possibilities offered by social media marketing, which social networks are the most optimal for our marketing goals, creating budget and social media marketing strategy, sponsored ads – monitoring and analytics.
Representatives of ACTION SEE grantees attended the workshop:
- Association for Promotion and Development of an Inclusive Society INKLUZIVA – Public Information Accessible to Persons with Disabilities project aims at assessing, evaluating and improving the current level of access that persons with disabilities have to municipal websites in the Northeastern region of Macedonia.
- Institute for Strategic Research and Education – ISIE – Budno Oko – Platform for Monitoring of the Use of Public Funds in Secondary Education of Macedonia project aims at improving the oversight and access to information related to the use of public funds in the funding of secondary education in Macedonia.
- Association Proficio – In the Spotlight: Overcoming Breach of Duty in Macedonia project aims to contribute toward the implementation of practical mechanisms for establishing and institutionalizing high standards of ethical conduct and good governance for elected officials, civil servants and the general public through lobbying and advocacy in Macedonia.
- Common Values – Commissions for Interethnic Relations (CIRs) and Ethnic Communities project has the aim to strengthen the interethnic relations, institutions of the system and democracy in Macedonia as well as to accelerate the EU accession process.
The ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in Southeastern Europe project awarded multiple grants for implementation of six-month projects. Sixteen civil society organization from six countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina are addressing local and national issues with the aim to enhance good governance and the rule of law.
This project is implemented with the financial support of the European Union.