The NGO Koha, within the project “Active citizens and informed through the Law on Access to Public Documents”, supported by the European Union and implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation, has published the monitoring report of the Municipality of Klina. At this conference were present Zenun Elezaj, Mayor of Klina Municipality; Fadil Gashi Chairman of the Municipal Assembly, directors of the municipality, members of the local assembly, civil society representatives, as well as representatives of villages and interested citizens.
This conference presented the findings, including a review from the previous head of the municipality Sokol Bashota 2013-2017, as well as the beginning of the new mandate led by Mr. Zenun Elezaj. One the most important findings is that there is lack of coordination between the Executive and the Legislative mandates, which results in some cases that the documentation is delayed or is received during the session, which ends up with municipal councilors decisions be without proper analysis. Moreover, municipal authorities have faced maladministration of requests for access to public documents. Many of the requests submitted did not receive answers or responses were received after the legal deadline under the Law on Access to Public Documents. Although an improvement has been noted in addressing these requirements, it remains a challenge to tackle this issue and receiving the respond on time.
In this conference, the Mayor of the Municipality Mr. Elezaj, promised the functioning of the Municipality’s Web site, as well as the sharing to the public information and documents, including the monthly reports of the municipal directorates for the use of citizens. He continued that during March he will start communication more with the public by visiting all the villages of the Municipality, while promising that these discussions will help in the drafting of the municipality’s budget for next year.
At the same time, the head of Municipal Assembly, Fadil Gashi pledged that the Assembly’s decisions will be open and there will be ways of communication with the citizen in order to be involved in the decision-making process. He invites citizens to attend public hearings and meetings. Attendees raise various issues that mainly pose a great need for capital investment to solve vital problems such as drinking water, sewage networks, environmental issues, employment, etc.