CDT organized 3 capacity buidling trainings for the NGOs and media.
All three trainings took place in Kolasin, in Hotel Four Points, in the period 28.02-05.03.
CDT discussed with participants on topics such as project management and reporting, financial management, promotion of project finings, media and marketing etc.
Also, these training served for presentation, planning and evaluation of the projects of the first and the second round of grant scheme.
Therefore, a special focus was on the implementation of EU projects and their procedures and rules, bearing in mind that the problem in Montenegro is that there are no adequate trainings for the implementation of EU projects for small NGOs. Help on this issue was necessary in order to build their capacities so they could apply on EU projects through partnerships.
Trainers and participants established good collaboration and agreed on future project developments and cooperation after these trainings.
Participantes were satisfied with the topics that were covered by trainings and the level of partiticpation and interaction during trainings.
„Lectures on successfull financial management and project planning are always very useful, even when you think that your organization is set on satisfactory basis for project management“, one of pariticpant said.
„I find very usefulf opportunity to directly share experince with media but also other NGOs on the issue of promotion of finindgs and success of advocacy activities“, another participant concluded.