Coaches Milovan Papić and Miroslav Šćepanović, that work closely with ACTION SEE grantees on implementation of their project, have organized coach site visits to awarded CSO’s. The purpose of these meetings was to advise and assist grantees in their project implementation.
Tasks of the coaches are to: facilitate the monitoring visits, complement the capacity building efforts and provide follow-up support to the CSOs, conduct outreach towards their constituents, the media and the relevant state institutions…
Coach site visits are organized with:
· NGO Institute Alternative on 22nd December 2017 in this NGO’s premises in Podgorica, where coaches met with 2 representatives – Ana Djurnic and Tamara Delić;
· NGO MogUL on 25th December in this NGO’s premises in Ulcinj, where they met with 2 representatives – Dzemal Perović and Zecanija Sulejmanovic;
· NGO 35 mm on 26th December in this NGO’s premises in Podgorica, where they met with 2 representatives – Kristina Cetkovic and Blazo Crvenica.
During these meetings coaches and grantees discussed on project activities, goals, plans, timeline, including both programme and financial component.