CA “Why not?” has analyzed the engagement of civil society organizations, i.e. the analysis of media reporting on individual initiatives and events that marked the year 2018 in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This analysis was developed for the needs of the Regional Openness Index, which is being implemented in the countries of the Western Balkans, and measures the degree of openness of institutions towards citizens and society, based on four principles: transparency, accessibility, integrity and awareness. In addition to Bosnia and Herzegovina, this research was conducted in Serbia, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo.
Analysis is available on the link
This project is implemented by ACTION SEE in the territory of SEE, made up of the Metamorphosis Foundation in partnership with Westminster Foundation for Democracy from Great Britain, CRTA – Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability from Serbia, Association of Citizens Why not? from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Center for Democratic Transition from Montenegro, Open Data Kosovo – ODK and Levizja Mjaft! from Albania, with the financial support of the European Union.
Attitudes in these works are the sole responsibility of authors and researchers.