On July 9th, 2019, an introductory meeting was held with representatives of the grantees from the third cycle of the ACTION SEE grant scheme from North Macedonia. The purpose of the introductory meeting was for the grantees to get better acquainted with the procedures regarding the implementation of their grants, but also to have the opportunity to get to know each other, exchange best practices and experiences regarding the implementation of the grants, and to establish contacts for further cooperation. In this way, the project aims at building a common platform and networking of the civil society organizations and media organisations that are beneficiaries of these grants.
Mila Josifovska, Gonxhe Halili, Natali Petrovska, Daniel Mitkovski, Gorica Pavlovska, Nenad Pavlovski, Todor Conev and Berat Limani at the Introductory meeting with grantees from the third cycle of the ACTION SEE grant scheme from North Macedonia facilitated by the project coordinator Mila Josifovska
Gonxhe Halili, Natali Petrovska, Daniel Mitkovski, Gorica Pavlovska, Nenad Pavlovski, Todor Conev and Berat Limani at the Introductory meeting as representatives of the grantees from the third cycle of the ACTION SEE grant scheme from North MacedoniaAdditionally, on July 9th, 2019, a training was held for the grantees in order to improve their capacities for preparation of the report documents, as well as to get better acquainted with the procedures for protection of personal data.
Within the project ACTION SEE – Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in South East Europe, a total of 35 grants have been awarded for implementation of projects for a period of up to six months. The grant scheme covers over 70 civic organizations and media organizations from six countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, addressing issues of local and national character in order to advance the good governance and the rule of law.
The grantees of the third cycle of the Grant Scheme of ACTION SEE from North Macedonia are: Од Северна Македонија добитници на грантови од третиот циклус од грантовата шема на ACTION SEE се:
- Association for youth and marginalized groups: Center for Integration and development
- Eko-Natyra (www.ekonatyra.org)
- Association Initiative of unemployed intellectuals (www.ini.org.mk)
- Coalition of Civil Associations ”All for Fair Trials” – CAFT (all4fairtrials.org.mk)