The analysis is based on the Annual Regional Opening Index where all public institutions are part of the measurement. 117 indicators divided into four categories measured institutional openness. These four categories are: Accessibility, Awareness, Integrity and Transparency. For the 2018 parliamentary opening, Montenegro ranks first with a score of 79%. Kosovo ranks second with 73%, and Albania ranks third with 71% in the Western Balkans.
The introductory speech was delivered by the Secretary General of the Assembly of Kosovo, Ismet Krasniqi, who emphasized the great importance of cooperation with civil society, and increased communication with citizens through open data and the creation of structures needed to support this approach. . Whereas, Blerta Thaçi, Director at Open Data Kosovo, discussed the importance of open data in public institutions in guiding further institutional openness. Afterwards, a presentation of the Communication and Information Strategy was given by Musli Kranisic – Director of the Office for Media and Public Relations Kosovo Assembly.
Afterwards, the coordinator of the “ActionSEE” project, Blerina Ramaj, presented the results of the analysis regarding the opening and approach of the Assembly of Kosovo in relation to the region, which emphasized the importance of using technology in data publishing and also promoting mechanisms. which increase the participation of citizens who would then make institutions more open and transparent.
This analysis is the third of its kind and part of the project “Transparency, Technology and Institutional Opening in the South East European Region” – ActionSEE, implemented in the Western Balkans and funded by the European Union.
Kuvendi i Kosovës – Skupština Kosova