Open Data Kosovos third grantee Association for Capacity Improvement “Media Pulse” arranged meetings with citizens and the representatives of local self-government in the villages Kutnje, Gornji and Ibarsko Postenje.
What is common to all three of these villages is that the villagers are not sufficiently aware of their rights and do not believe that they can change anything. During these meetings, we informed them about the possibilities of petitions and initiatives that they can raise by themselves in their villages, or at the level of the entire municipality.
The meeting in the village of Kutnje was held on 12.10.2019 and gathered together a dozen villagers of the village. During the meeting, the villagers informed that this village has many young people, but also has a problem that makes life more difficult. Their biggest problem is that they do not have an adequately solved sewer system and that children are returning from the school in the late evening unlighted streets, which in the past has led to minor problems.
The meeting in the village of Gornji Krnjin was held on 16.10.2019. The villagers pointed out that they had a problem that the houses are scattered all over the village and that the asphalt was not done until all the houses in the village. Here, also they told us those young people that are leaving the village, and the reason for that is that most of them are going to study in Serbia and that in many cases, they are not returning to their village, and thus not to their municipality.
The meeting was held in the village of Ibarsko Postenje on 15.11.2019, where we could hear from the gathered citizens what the problems, they were facing. This village is about 15km away from the administrative center of the municipality, and the villagers need to have meetings with the representatives of the authorities in this village, or in the vicinity, given to the fact that a large number of older people cannot reach the administrative center of the municipality, but they want to attend those meetings.